Atenção: alguns links podem estar desatualizados.

- Smithsonian Inst.
- Exploratorium
- National Air Space Museum
- Museu Holográfico


- Hubble - STScI HST Pictures
- Hubble - Latest HST Pictures
- Hubble - STScI HST Public Info. Oposite
- Hubble_Telescope's_Obs
- Telescope_Hubble
- Hubble - HST Animations
- Hubble Heritage Project Dust Jacket
- ESA Hubble Information Centre

- Jupiter - Missão Galileo
- Galileo Home Page (JPL)
- Sobre Galileu Galilei
- Mais sobre Galileu

- Lua
- Apollo Missions Landing Sites
- NASA Apollo Mission Apollo-13
- Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
- Observatorio ARVAL - Moon Map

- SETI@home Windows Client Software
- SETI@home Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home
- Use your home PC for SETI
- The SERENDIP Project


- FAQ about Collimating a Newtonian telescope
- SBAA - Sociedade Brasileira dos Amigos da Astronomia
- Tudo para Astronomia
- Telescópio - Home Page de Alberto Silva Betzler
- Telescópio - OPTOVAC - Astronomia
- Telescópios
- Sky Probe
- Homepage do Diniz
- Philippe Chretien's astrophotography home page
- Amateur Telescope Making
- Astronomy Boy Barn Door Tracker
- Amateur Telecope Making - ATM
- Telecópio Gemini
- Dario Pires
- Osvaldao
- Construção de uma Plataforma Equatorial [local]
- The ATM Page
- Collimation
- Sky&Telecope - collimator
- telescopio
- telescopios - osvaldo

- Marte
- Mars Global Surveyor
- Mars Pathfinder - Welcome to Mars!
- CNN - Destination Mars - 1997
- Mars Polar Lander Official Website
- The Mars Society - The purpose of the Mars Society is to further the goal of the exploration and settlement of the Red Planet.
- Mars Today
- Mars Exploration Homepage
- Marte 3D

- Heavens-Above - Spring
- Heavens-Above - Campo Grande
- Heavens-Above - Campos
- Heavens-Above - Macae
- Heavens-Above - Porto Alegre
- Heavens-Above - Rio de Janeiro
- Heavens-Above - São Paulo
- Heavens-Above - Belo Horizonte
- Heavens-Above - Vitória
- Heavens-Above - Xangrila
- bumerang ISS

- Saturno - Missão Cassini
- Cassini- Mission to Saturn
- CNN - The Cassini Mission - 1997

- Cometas, asteróides e meteoros

Near (Eros)
- NEAR image of the day for 2000 Feb 14 (G)
- Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission
- Amateur astronomers are setting new records with online comet discoveries
- The very latest SOHO images
- LASCO Discovery Page
- The latest LASCO C3 images
- C-2001 A2 (LINEAR)
- Cometa C-2001 A2 LINEAR
- Cometa LINEAR C-2001 A2 - mapa
- -- Science news and live webcasts of the Leonid meteor shower.
- SKY Online's Comet Page
- Comet Hale-Bopp Home Page (JPL)
- IOTA Main Table of Contents

- Astrofotografia
- Astrofotografia - cálculos
- Astrofotografias - novidades
- Astrophotography for the Amateur - Free Software
- dario pires astro
- Simple Astrophotography
- NASA Homepage
- Observatório da NASA
- Astro-Index - Astronomia na Internet
- Farsight Institute
- Meade Main Index - Meade Instruments Corporation
- Mike Boshat's Astronomy Page
- ScienceWeb - The Great Canadian Hairy Star Party
- SOHO - The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- Earth and Moon Viewer
- Home Planet Release 3
- European Southern Observatory
- Inst. Astronomico e Geof.
- NCSA National Radio Astronomy
- UCLA -- Earth and Space Sciences
- The Nine Planets
- Departamento de Astronomia - USP
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Discover the cosmos!
- Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive
- Science@NASA - Science.Nasa.Gov
- -- Science news and images from the August 1999 total solar eclipse
- Espenak's Eclipse Home Page
- NASA's Observatorium
- Constellations
- Welcome to Sustainable by Design!
- Sundials on the Internet - the Equation of Time
- Cambridge Astronomy
- U.S. Naval Observatory - Data Services
- http--www.geocities
- visible earth nasa
- Welcome to the Gemini Observatory Web site
- Observatório Abrahão de Moraes
- Investigando a Terra 2000 - ASTRONOMIA
- Skymap
- Satellite tracking with GPS
- G Gravitação e Cosmologia - Ligações Úteis
- Enciclopédia Digital Master
- Welcome to Heavens-Above
- Astronomy
- Ask the Astronomer
- SEDS - astronomia
- Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers
- OBA - Olimpíada Brasileira de Astronomia
- Astronomy, Telescopes, Hobby News and more -
- JPL Current Missions
- Extrasolar Planets Catalog
- NASA - Photo Gallery
- Observatorio ARVAL - Home Page
- Astronomia e Astrofisica
- Links Ferramentas de Busca e Pesquisa
- Welcome to Brazilian Astronomical Society (SAB)
- rede
- CADC Home Page
- ESA Portal - European Space Agency
- Astronomy Picture of the Day - it
- Hora Legal Brasileira
- Astronomia na Internet - Cosmobrain Astronomia e Astrofísica
- REA - Rede de Astronomia Observacional
- Ciência e Cosmos
- Hora do Observatório Nacional
- The Galileo Project, Homepage
- Solar System Live Help Stereo Pairs
- Astronomia
- Navegação e Astronomia
- Sundial Links

- Weather Labs
- CNN - Sat. image for S. America
- Inst. Astronomico e Geof.
- Previsão no Mundo
- INMET - Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia
- Current Weather Conditions - Bariloche Aerodrome
- Current Weather Conditions - Galeao, Brazil
- Current Weather Conditions - Porto Alegre, Brazil
- Current Weather
- Departamento de Ciencias Atmosfericas IAG-USP
- Página Principal do INPE
- Current Weather Conditions - Uberaba, Brazil
- Current Weather Conditions - Aeroparque, Argentina
- INMET - Inst. Nac. de Meteorologia
- The Weather Channel Brasil
- Weather Underground Welcome to The Weather Underground
- Climatempo Meteorologia - O Portal do tempo no Brasil
- The Weather Channel Brasil - Porto Alegre, BR
- The Weather Channel Brasil - Foz do Iguaçu, BR
- Tempo Brasil
- Atmospheric Chemistry Educational Resources
- Atmospheric Chemistry Data, Information, and Resources
- Interactive Weather Satellite Imagery Viewers from NASA GHCC
- GOES - water vapor
- Indice UV
- NOAA Home Page

- MTU Volcanoes Page
- Live Camera - Istituto Internazionale di Vulcanologia
- Live Volcanocam of Mount St. Helens from Johnston Ridge
- CENAPRED Popocatepetl Monitoring
- Volcano World -- The Premier Source of Volcano Info on the Web

- Russian Space Web
- Contagem Regressiva
- HSF - International Space Station
- Kennedy Space Center
- Shuttle Lançamento ao Vivo!
- Basics of Space Flight
- Human Space Flight Web Gallery
- J-Pass 20
- Kennedy Space Center Video Feeds
- nasa.-shuttle-countdown-video-video45m.html
- Space Shuttle News Reference Manual
- CNN - Science - Technology
- Ciência Hoje
- Discovery Channel
- Massachusetts Inst. of Thec.
- Amir Klink - Antartica
- Discovery Online
- Conversor de Unidades
- WebElements periodic table of the elements
- Antártica - O Último Continente
- The What's New Website
- Prossiga Programa de Informação e Comunicação para Pesquisa
- PlanetaVida
- The official U.S. time
- National Geographic Channel - Brasil
- Laboratório de Aerodinâmica das Construções - UFRGS
- Temas em destaque - discovery português
- Nanomedicine Art Gallery
- Enciclopédia Digital Master On-Line Edição 2000
- British Library Public Catalogue
- Stereoscopic 3D Web Ring - Home Page
- Hora do Observatório Nacional
- Nobel e-Museum