O Homem na Lua
- Apollo 11 Camera Equipment
- Apollo by numbers - Table of Contents
- Apollo Expeditions to the Moon Chapter 4
- Apollo Expeditions to the Moon Contents
- Apollo Guidance Navigation & Control Separation
- Apollo Image Atlas
- Apollo Image Library
- Apollo Lunar Landing Guidance & Control
- Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
- Apollo Missions Landing Sites
- Exploring the Apollo Landing Sites
- Hasselblad
- Howstuffworks Project Apollo
- Humans in Space Apollo Spacesuit
- NASA Apollo Mission Apollo-13
- NASM--Apollo to the Moon-- artifacts
- Persistence of Myths Could Alter Public Policy Approach - washingtonpost.com
- Project Apollo Diagrams
- Project Apollo
- Rover - Apollo 15 Summary
- Space Cameras
- The Apollo Landing Sites
- The Apollo Program
- The Cameras of Apollo
- The Project Apollo Archive
- Where No Man Has Gone Before A History of Apollo Lunar Exploration Missions
Fotos pós missão
- AS11 + fotos pos-missao
- AS12 + fotos pos-missao
- AS13 + fotos pos-missao
- AS14 + fotos pos-missao
- AS15 + fotos pos-missao
- AS16 + fotos pos-missao
- AS17 + fotos pos-missao
Farsantes e Antídotos
- a fraude do seculo
- Aulis Online - Different Thinking
- A Fraude da Fraude
- Bandeira congelada ImageAs11-40-5874-75.gif
- Can we see Apollo hardware on the Moon
- Comments on the FOX special on the Hoax
- Explicando as fotos das sombras
- Moon Hoax Index
- Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy Bad TV
- Projeto Ockham - Ciência e pensamento crítico
- The Great Moon Hoax
- The hoax of the Moon hoax
- The Moon Hoax Debate